Monday, August 31, 2009

All is well on the homefront

A high of 70 at the end of August? It has been an especially cool month, lows into the 40's even!
For a cold one like me it is a tad bit disappointing but it is beautiful in its own way as well.
Things are well, almost ready to start school next week. We went to Indiana to a Jesus Culture conference and although Ryan and I didn't attend the conference, Jeff and Jeremy thought it was awesome. We just got back from Iowa to golf and see my mom/family and now we have one more week before hitting the books and the familiar routine of the school year. I have picked out some new curriculum that I am excited about and hope the kids will really enjoy it too. As far as the baby goes, we are at week 17 now! Can you believe it? I am feeling litter kicks like flutters and tickles now, that is a really fun experience. I am really thankful to be experiencing this again, it is better than gold. I am showing now which is really fun and am feeling wonderful and trying to eat healthy. It's better for all of us if I choose good healthy food so that is quite a motiviator. A friend of mine once told me "eat for nutrition, not for taste". I think that is a very wise saying. Hard to do a lot of the time but wise, none the less. So, things are well. I will post a belly pic soon. Can't wait to show you!
Tata for now!