Saturday, November 7, 2009

6 months, here we come 3rd trimester!

As of the middle of November nearly, we are heading into the final 3 months. They will fly just because of the time of year it is. As much as I want to meet this little lady, I will be sad when it is over. It goes much too fast, that's for sure.
But boy, am I thankful for the opportunity! Much prayer and waiting has gone into this and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beautiful fall time

It's been a while and by now my tummy is MUCH bigger than the previous picture. :)
I'll post another picture in a short while, just not right now. It's probably about 3 times the size as before. But that is good, we are 6 months along now! Our baby girl (yes, it's a GIRL!!!!) is about 2 pounds now and has opened her eyes this month. Her glands are working and she has eyelashes and eyebrows too. Cool huh! She is responding a lot to the voices and wonderful play noises that her brothers make and also to my rubbing my belly and to daddy's voice.
We can't wait to meet her. We are almost ready, just a few things more to get.
Our school year is going great, we are enjoying spending time learning together.
Our activities are fun: Jeremy is taking a programming class and Ryan is taking a medival knight class as well as co-op, soccer, and drum lessons.
Pictures will come soon!