Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cats and smiles

Daddy and his girl: no words can describe how cute this picture is.

Slippers decided to take a cozy nap on the couch. Ahhh, the sight of a sleeping cat makes me sleepy.....

Fat cats: That would be Shadow. What do you think? Does he fall into the fat cat catagory?
He is great! Loveable and snuggly. He loves to have his belly rubbed, seriously! He's the first cat that I have ever known that likes that.

Smiles: Do you like Emily's smile? Isn't it great! That was from yesterday morning when I went in to tell her good morning. What a sweetheart!

The previous posts' picture of the boys I thought was so cute! Jeremy was camping out in Ryan's room that night. They had fun chatting a while and making shadow figures on the ceiling.


6 weeks already!

Hey, can you believe it? Emily is 6 weeks old already! Time really flies. I'm not surprised though, the boys have grown up overnight it seems like so I know this time goes so fast.

That is one reason why we decided to homeschool. I want to spend as much time with the kids now because all too soon they will be leaving the house and then that chance is gone.

My mom came up for a visit a couple weeks ago, that was sure a nice visit and Emily sure had a fun time with grandma.

BUT on a lighter are some new pictures of the family. Things are going well and thanks to so many friends who have brought meals and the family for pitching in a lot, things are running smoothly at home. Jeff's mom, sister and neice came from Michigan to see Emily and to help out. What a great time we had! They were a ton of help and it was so hard to see them go, I really missed them the rest of the day after they left.

Emily wakes 1or 2 times during the night-yeah! She loves to be awake and to see people and to go places. She doesn't like to go down for naps during the day but gets tired anyway. Settling down is tough but other than that she is an incredibly happy baby. She is smiling a lot now which is soooo much fun and even cooed at me today! It's really fun to go in to see her in the morning. Even though she is hungry she wakes up with many smiles for whoever is there to great her. I am so blessed and very thankful for my wonderful husband, boys and daughter. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby love

It has been a little more than 3 weeks now and we are doing well! Emily is getting the hang of eathing and sleeping and I am getting 3 hours of sleep at night at a stretch at night so that is good. The boys are loving their sister and are very proud. She LOVES her daddy's voice and smiles at him a lot too. She is so adorable and is just so very kissable. :) She likes her baths at the kitchen sink in her tub and knows that nights are for sleeping. She is good in church and

seems to just have a cool, sweet personality. We love her so much and are in heaven. We are most certainally very blessed with two healthy boys and one adorable baby girl.