Friday, May 14, 2010

Baby booties

Now I know why people make these things! What baby keeps their socks on? Any baby??

BUT, if you put these booties over their socks, they stay on and their feet stay warm!

I had no idea and I still wouldn't have but a sweet work friend of Jeff's made Emily 2 pairs of baby booties. They are so cute on her, and no more cold toes. :)

It's been found!

Her thumb, that is. She found her thumb! I know, I know, I am excited about it now but I know I won't be later. But for right now, yeah! She goes to sleep easier, that is for sure.

It's so cute right now, because her little thumb is a bit red and she loves to use it, like it's a new toy.

Morel season is here! Yum! Jeff made out well in one particular spot (you'd have to pay me big bucks to tell you where). He found around 100 by one tree alone! They are delicious and if you haven't ever tried them, I highly recommend it.

More rain! The first two weeks of baseball season has been pretty uneventful since almost all the games have been rained out. Games are still being cancelled in some areas if the fields are still too wet. I think we should have started in March when the weather was nice! :)

Ryan is so creative, take a look at his latest "safety while riding your scooter" invention.

The boys treated me really good for Mother's Day with sweet cards and gifts. And my hubby made me a delicious lunch. I had a really wonderful day all day long!