Thursday, November 25, 2010

Other lovies

Here are some random pictures of my furry lovies, enjoy! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Gobble, gobble! I hope that everyone had a really nice day filled with good food and fun with family. We had a nice time just being home together, eating and hanging out. It was really great! The lions lost, that was a shame, but everything else was great. Jeff smoked a 20 pound turkey in his smoker, it was so delicious and juicy! Best I've ever had. The pie turned out different than it should have but it was still good, yeah! We had a nice time of hanging out playing a game/puzzle, chatting this evening. There is sooo much to be thankful for.
I am overwhelmed when I think about all that God has blessed me with.
Now it's time to think about Christmas.....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A few more bday pictures for ya!

Ryan is 10!!!

Yesterday was Ryan's 10th birthday! I can't believe my baby boy is a whole decade old!

We had a party for him complete with games, a pinata, corn dogs, presents, and dirt cake. :)

It was a blast and Ryan got some nice gifts from some special friends. Here are some pictures

of yesterday. Tomorrow we are having a special dinner in honor of #10, a seafood dinner as

requested by Ryan. We are having shrimp scampi, shrimp cocktail, mussels, and fruit.

My boys love their seafood that's for sure! Jeremy asked for the same special dinner for his 10th bday also.

Snow- and lots of it!

Well, we got dumped on last week. About 12 inches worth! It was heavy snow too, hard to shovel. The boys loved it as it was perfect for making forts and snowballs. They spent the majority of two whole afternoons playing outside! I loved greeting them in with some nice hot chocolate and a yummy treat. Emily had fun too, she thought it was cold but yummy. She is always up for fun that's for sure! We'll take her sledding a little later this winter when she can support herself a bit more.

Here are some random snow pictures as well as others to enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh boy, sh'e mobile!

Well, Emily has done it! She is crawling! She started crawling this week, so much fun!
At first it was that jerky crawl, just adorable. She's really getting the hang of it now though.
She isn't content at just crawling though, she loves to walk while holding our hands. And she really does know how to alternate her feet and she has stood by herself for several seconds quite a few times! It won't be long before she's walking I bet. She'll be 9 months old here in a couple of days, so it seems a little early to me. I had to buy her some shoes last night, she was really excited about them.

Football season for the boys has come to a close, it was a great season with great coaches!
The boys looked so handsome in their football uniforms. They played great and it was a lot of fun to watch their games.

I have had a lot of fun with company lately! My friend Sara from Ohio was here and we had such a great time hanging out! I miss her!

A childhood friend of mine, Karen,was also here, she's such a sweetheart it is was so good to see her too. My brother-in-law has been with us for a couple weeks now and just had his kids here this weekend, it was fun and busy. It is so fun when there are a lot of kids running around, laughing and having fun and playing. I just love it!

I was blessed with tickets to a Taste of Home Cooking School demonstration that my friend Karen was in town for. She was the specially requested demonstrator! She presented 8 delicious dishes in front of 1,000 people at this first ever twin cities-wide demonstration.
I would call it a convention. There was over 60 vendor booths there too, it was an amazing afternoon. I had to make several dishes the next day, they were great!

Halloween was a fun night. The kids and I all dressed up and literally ran from house to house.
What a great time that was! Emily even got some candy for herself. Hmmmm, I guess I'll have to help her out this year. :)

I'll post a picture of Emily's new shoes soon, have a happy fall day everyone!