I'm so sorry, I had no idea I hadn't posted in almost a month! I guess it's been a busy one lol!
Football ended, Jeremy's team took 2nd place and I'm not sure what place Ryan's team took.
It was farther down than 2nd but they both did a great job putting forth good efforts throughout the whole season. I'm really proud of them!
Emily's doing well, learning and growing! She learned how to jump and it's really cute. She loves to play some music and jump to it. She's really into her baby dolls too and caring for them. She carts them different places like the grocery store, takes them in the van, swings with them in the swing, etc. She also loves to help me clean up around the house, I'm really loving the natural helpfulness!
The boys didn't have that natural "cleaning" gene. That would have been nice!
Jeff's doing well, still working and still thankful for a wonderful job.
I've started going to a turbo kick class at the YMCA, it's a blast! Beats my body up real good and muscles and getting stronger. It's amazing and I look forward to it every week. Tuesday's the boys and I have been playing basketball there while Emily goes into the child care area. She loves it in there and even has a little friend that she looks for in there. She enjoys the little kid gym area and they do crafts and have baby dolls to play with. Who wouldn't like that! lol!
I've been studying the paleo diet and it looks like a pretty good, healthy eating mindset. It is based on meats, fruits and veggies and no processed foods or sugars. Now, before I go any farther, please understand that I LOVE my sweets! But I've been trying to not eat much sugar for about a month now and I do feel good! I just had some coconut milk tonight as a treat and surprisingly enough it tasted sweet and I thought that it would do nicely to satisfy a sugar craving. So this paleo diet uses a lot of coconut milk and natural sugar. Yum! Oh, and I've lost 20 pounds, only 5 pounds away from pre-Emily-yeah! A do have a lot more to go but at least I'm going in the right direction. haha! It's very interesting to study health and nutrition. Do you realize that the fat you eat doesn't make you fat? That's a crazy twist isn't it! It's the carbohydrates that your body stores that makes you fat! It's the breads/pastas and cookies (gasp!). So, by cutting those out, voila, the weight comes off. That's what is supposed to happen anyway. :)
Okay, so here's a whole bunch of Emily pictures but then in another post I will post a bunch of our halloween pictures and those will have the boys in them. Enjoy!