Wednesday, January 26, 2011

4 teeth at once!

Emily is getting her four top front teeth at once right now! One has popped through with 3 to pop yet. She was up most of the night fussing and also had a fever but has slept better the last two nights-whew! That was a long night with me and Jeff taking turns! Poor thing, but she'll look cute with more pearly whites to show off at her 1st birthday! Otherwise things are well despite fighting a sore throat for a couple of us. It's not getting too bad though so that is good.

Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Various pictures

Brrrrrrrring on spring anytime now!

Yes, it's been a very cold winter here in Mn but a very snowy one too at least. The Colegrove family has been busy with school and work now that Christmas is over. It's time to get serious once again and get learning and work done. Emily is done to one nap a day so school in the morning has to be revamped but it is working well and she really enjoys her playpen time after breakfast. It frees me up to work with the boys on their school and that is wonderful.

Jeremy is looking forward to turning 13 soon, I can't believe it! He's such a wonderful young man. So sweet!

Ryan is excited, now that he's 10 he can use some of the machines at the YMCA. Last night we went as a family and worked out together, it was really fun!

I am enjoying my early morning trips to the y to work out and then sit in the sauna. What a
great start to the day! I really enjoy it and look forward to that time.

Jeff has been working from home the last couple of weeks and that is going well. He still must go to client sites sometimes and that is good, that mixes it up for him.

Ryan is working on his pinewood derby car for the big race coming up in a few weeks. I'll post a picture of it when it's done.

I have been reminiscing last year at this time as we were excitedly anticipating the arrival of Emily Sue soon and making last minute preparations. How fun it was to know that she was to arrive very soon! How has a year gone by so fast? Amazing, wonderful and sad all wrapped up together. She is such a sweet little girl with an incredibly happy disposition. She is very close to walking on her own and has taken a few steps alone going between two people. She could do more but she just needs to get the courage. She's very capable of it.

I am overwhelmed at all the blessings in my life. Thanks God!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A few more pictures for ya!

Hope you like 'em. :)

Christmas in Iowa!

Well, it was great to see family but the bummer part is that most of my family got the stomach flu! Emily threw up on the way down in the van--ew! The boys were sick the next day and Jeff was sick the day after that. Next was my mom and now I guess my neice. It's really too bad.

We had a good time though and Emily and the boys really enjoyed playing pool and hanging out together. It was great to see mom and she and Emily spent good time together.

Now it's time to de-Christmas the house and resume normal non-holiday life!