We had a great day today, I hope you did too! It started out rainy and dark which is kindof neat in the morning I think. Once the clouds left we were left with hot and humid, a perfect day for water fun! The boys got out the slip and slide and our two baby slides and made fun water slides out of them. I had bought a baby pool for Emily at a garage sale last week so Jeff got that out and filled it up. The kids spent a good part of the afternoon playing in water (Emily did after a good nap) up until it was time for a late supper. It was so fun to be out there with them!
I made some bbq ribs, baked potatoes and corn for supper. It turned out well and Jeff and the boys even gave me "hip, hip, hurrays"! Jeremy and Ryan gave me hugs and kisses, I guess they liked the meal huh? :) To top it off was strawberry shortcake. It was a great day, here are some pictures from our adventures today.