Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial day fun!

We had a great day today, I hope you did too! It started out rainy and dark which is kindof neat in the morning I think. Once the clouds left we were left with hot and humid, a perfect day for water fun! The boys got out the slip and slide and our two baby slides and made fun water slides out of them. I had bought a baby pool for Emily at a garage sale last week so Jeff got that out and filled it up. The kids spent a good part of the afternoon playing in water (Emily did after a good nap) up until it was time for a late supper. It was so fun to be out there with them!

I made some bbq ribs, baked potatoes and corn for supper. It turned out well and Jeff and the boys even gave me "hip, hip, hurrays"! Jeremy and Ryan gave me hugs and kisses, I guess they liked the meal huh? :) To top it off was strawberry shortcake. It was a great day, here are some pictures from our adventures today.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

There was a really fun petting zoo, and a gator

wrestling show. Ryan actually got to sit on a live alligator! What a brave young man!


Here are some more pictures for you from Gatorland. They had some pretty cute alligators, including a couple albino ones. Enjoy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Gators! Where??

At Gatorland! It's a really fun small theme park and we had a blast seeing all the alligators lying

around! Even saw a gator wrestling show that ended up in a bloody hand. That was VERY exciting. :) Check out some of our new friends:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More Florida pictures

Here some more pictures of us just hanging around the pool area at the resort.

We tried to alternate busy days with casual days and I am going in order of the days that

we were there. The resort had two pools, one with a waterfall and one with a fountain.

Also, you'll see my cousin Glenda with Emily and also my Aunt Charlene with Emily as well.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

More of Cocoa Beach

Naptime, playing in the sand, coastal view, roller sailing guy. It's all there!

Hanging out

Hmmmm, literally. Jeff and his young men were hanging out at the playground and I just happened to have the camera handy. :) We drove by the NASA space station visitor's center and got a glimpse of some rockets. We then drove to Cocoa beach and played in the waves for a while. Jeremy and Ryan found some stingrays on the sand but no one got stung in the water, thank heavens. We were able to see the NASA launching pad from our spot on the beach, cool!

Resort pictures

This next set is of us hanging out at the resort. They had a giant chess set, a playground, a ping pong and pool table, two pools, a restaurant, hot tubs, palm trees and island music playing in addition to live music sometimes.

Back from Florida!

Our family went to Orlando recently. We left on May 1st and came back home on May 10th.

We had a wonderful time and were able to visit family while we were down there too. My cousin Glenda lives there with her husband Richie and their daughter Brianna was graduating from college. My cousin Judy from Texas, along with my Aunt Charlene from California were there for graduation too so we were able to see lots of family! Richie had some family from California too, his brother, his wife, and their sweet son. We stayed at a Hilton Grand Vacation Club resort, it was magnificint. We have stayed there before several times, it's our home away from home. I can only share 6 pictures at a time on blogger so I will have to post pictures several times to give you a good show of our trip.

Enjoy! I know we did...ahhhhh....I can still feel the balmy 95 degree sun on my skin.

It was heavenly! :)

The first set of pictures if of the view from the airplane, Emily at the pool and the boys taking scuba diving lessons in the resort pool, and painted baby toes.