Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random thoughts

This week was my birthday! It was a nice day, saw the sun finally, which was a fun surprise!
We went out to dinner at Khan's Mongolian Bbq, we love that place. I think I've been there for my birthday for the last 10 years or so. I wasn't sure how Emily would do but she sat there with her plate of food and chowed down like the rest of us! Noodles, chicken wing, crunchy thing, soup,
peas, corn, pineapple, she loved it all! Afterwards we went to the park and just played and hung out, it was very nice to be outside and to spend time as a family. What a great birthday!

Emily is getting the other half of 3 molars this week, she's doing well with it for the most part.
Whew, we can't wait for them to all break through! 1 down 2 to go!

Jeremy was in a baseball tournament this weekend, they got 2nd place! His team did excellent and he pitched amazingly well. Twice they put him in when it was very important that they get the other team out and both times it was 1-2-3 outs! He's a very accurate pitcher and his hitting has been great this year too. It's been a lot of fun to watch both boys play ball and see how they both excel at it and love it too.

Jeremy's also been umping this year too along with playing and practicing. He also started a mowing business and has a few customers! He's been a busy guy!~

Ryan just finished his Iowa basic skills tests, went to vbs last week and is trying to start a dog walking business. He loves pets, I hope he can get some business!

The boys enjoy hanging out with friends and last week they tried Frisbee golf for the first time, they loved it. Time to invest in a couple of discs I think...

I got a new dishwasher last week! It's amazing how much less time I spend cleaning up in the kitchen now. I love it! It's a beautiful little assistant and I never want to go so long without one again. :)

I just finished painting the basement and also the upstairs hallway. Now it's time to organize the pictures that were on the wall and start on Jeremy's room overhaul. Summer is a great time for these projects because during the school year we are just too busy. I am excited to help Jeremy paint his room and after that I get to continue working on the family videos and picture albums again!

I've been trying some new gluten free recipes. This week is is gluten, sugar, and egg free chocolate chip cookies. Their made with coconut and almond flour, stevia, agave nectar, and coconut oil. They were a hit! Soft and yummy, like a fig newton but with ch. chips in it.
Also, last week I made baked oatmeal for the first time. It's amazingly delicious. You put buttermilk and oatmeal together and let it soak overnight to begin the breakdown process of the oatmeal so that your body can digest the nutrients better. Then in the morning you add maple syrup, vanilla, eggs, coconut oil, salt, etc. and bake. It's delicious with coffee!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Disney adventurers!

We started at Epcot and got in to the parks by our friend Annette. We took the monorail to Walt Disney World and that's where started our adventure. It was a great day, the weather was rainy at first then humid and hot but disney has misters set up here and there and boy, they are refreshing. It was a great day and now we have tons of memories that the boys will remember well, we are so thankful!

Last of Gatorland!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Diapers and dresses

As We pause again from the Florida pics, I wanted to share with you a few pictures that have nothing to do with much of anything. Lol!

Jeff started a new contract job and is loving it! I'm so happy for him, we feel so blessed!

The boys are enjoying the warmth and have been at the skate park a few time learning more tricks on their skateboards.

Emily is doing great, growing like a weed and is just a joy to be with. She has such a sweet spirit.

I am trying to find time for everything and a little extra. It's tricky that's for sure. I have some sewing, painting, filing, organizing and other stuff to do-someday. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Okay, back to Florida pics!

We're still at Gatorland in our journey through the pictures from Florida.
The boys fed alligators some chicken, it was really exciting for them! The gators came right right up onto the shore for the food, like they were pets or something. It was really neat!
Some are real gators and some are not, don't fret, we wouldn't put our little
child at the mouth of a real gator. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big babies and little babies

Here are a few random pictures that I've taken over the last couple of days. The boys have been sick lately, Emily was but she's better now. We have a nest of 4 baby robins, they are so cute! It's fun to notice the mommy bird come and feed them and if we are lucky enough to see her drop the worms in their mouths it's a real treat! They are getting so big, I bet they'll be leaving soon. In the picture yo can only see 3 but there's a fourth one there.
The little horsey in the picture, well that used to be mine! It has my name on it. How fun to pass it down to my kids!