Sunday, July 24, 2011

A present!

Grandma Stensland came to visit this month too and brought Emily a package. Guess what's inside!?!

Various things

My friends Bob and Sara and their kids came to visit earlier this month. We had a blast!
It was so good to see them again and hang out with their wonderful kids!
Here are a couple cute pictures of Emily playing and then a couple with Sara and one with
Emily, Sara and her youngest daughter Abigail enjoy a short tea party. :)

It's been a hot month but we've embraced it with lots of water play. We've been to a pool
as often as we can and also the beach. It's so cool and refreshing to be in the water! Makes a 97 degree day feel like a 75 degree day. We are having a really fun summer and Emily loves
to go and do things so she is just loving the social things we do. She even loves to shop!
Can you believe it! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My birthday!

Alright, I'm not talking numbers here, but it was my birthday last Monday.
It was a good day and we went out for supper and to the park afterwards.
What a great evening with the family! Here are some pictures from that day....
and by the way, my boys liked the baked oatmeal that I made this week-yeah!
It's so healthy for them! I didn't even need to top it off with the homemade chocolate
syrup that I had made, but I had it just in case. :)

Happy Fourth of July weekend!

Here a few random pictures plus one of my Uncle Victor and our family plus a really sweet friend of his, Rochelle, that has taken care of him for the past several years.