Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome fall!

Whether we like it or not, it's that time of year. Things change. Kids are in a bigger
grade, wearing bigger clothes, the trees are giving up their leaves and the feel in the air
is different. I love summer, I am missing it already. I don't do enough sport stuff outside
to really say that I love winter, I just endure it. Yes, it's fun to play outside in the snow
with the kids but I don't like being cold and I get cold easily. But here it comes, so I guess
I'd better embrace it since I can't do anything about it. :)
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to. Mainly school! It's going well and my students this year are "preschool", 5th and 8th grades. The boys are working hard and taking their studies
seriously, that makes me happy. They have a lot to work to do each day and it involves me a lot.
I guess that's one reason why I haven't been on here for a while. Plus they are in football AND baseball so our weekends are completely taken up by sports. We did manage to sneak down to Iowa to see my mom and my family at my neice's wedding. Angela was beautiful! Brian you've got yourself a real gem. :)
We also hosted a neighborhood party last Saturday. It was wonderful to visit with those who were able to make it and it was a beautiful day.
Today we are taking the morning off of school to head to the apple orchard and hopefully we'll see some things on our nature scavenger hunt list from our science book and check off a few things on that too.
Enjoy the pictures and hopefully you'll hear from me again before too long! And oh, if you are wondering what Ryan is examining, it's his food. I bought a lighted magnifying glass for doing models so he was testing it out. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And a few more!

Thanks for looking at our trip!

More Michigan beach pics!

I hope you like lighthouse beach pictures because I sure have a lot of them!
The beach here is where Jeff proposed a short "few" years ago. :)

Family and the lighthouse

Hanging out

Here are some pictures of hanging out at mom's house. Aunt Yvonne and Emily had a great time together and Emily and Ivy got to know each other. Ivy is a little one that Yvonne helps take care of.

Michigan bound!

We made a quick trip to Michigan recently to see Jeff's mom, sister and her family.
We had a great time and even got to enjoy the Lake Michigan beach. The sand and water
are so relaxing and inviting! Love it! It was pretty cold but the boys went in! I had to
promise them $2 if they would though, it was THAT cold. The boys bought some electronic
guitars while we were there and graced us with lots of great music. No, I'm serious, it WAS
very nice. :) We had a wonderful time and ate lots of mom's yummy apple pie.

Picnic with Mommy!

Emily and I enjoyed some time together last week when it was still hot. We played in her little
pool and then had a lunch picnic. Boy did we have a great time together! I'm also including a couple pictures of some birds that visit out sack feeders, they're so pretty.