Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crazy kids/pets

Don't you just love the silly pictures that you take? I want to share with you a couple pictures that I have taken that just can't keep a smile from popping onto my face. The one on the left is a picture of our turtles. They love to sit on the filter. Isn't that cute! The other one is of Ryan sleeping. He must have fallen asleep like that during the night after a trip to the bathroom.
I love these pictures and I hope you do too. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Is this the tundra?

Well, when you wake up and it is -15 below zero outside you start to wonder if you have moved to Antarctica. Things are sooooo frozen outside it is incredible. There is actually some beauty in it though. The way smoke pours out of smoke stacks and lingers in the air for longer than normal because it can't disperse as fast as it usually does. I look at that, and at the sun just poking up from the edge of the horizon and think about how warm our houses are and how hot the sun is even though the air is so frigid.

It isn't that hard to manage in weather like this if you have a dependable car and let it warm up before you head out. I have a great vehicle and for that I feel very blessed.

Yeah, you bundle up and go about your business like normal. What else can you do? Hibernate??

Did you know that in California the temps there are averaging 20 degrees warmer than normal? It is in the 80's there today. Poor people, they can't learn to be hardy in that kind of weather! :)

I feel fortunate that my character is being shaped by the challenge of exhaust fumes turning to ice and making the roads slippery. Of getting frostbite within a matter of minutes. Of snow crackling when you walk on it and making it awkward to walk. Of learning how to breathe when the cold air freezes your throat and lungs upon inhale.

My character is being shaped by this and for that I say "thank you".

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meet the family

Here is my family:

Yeah, he's my man. What a guy! He is one in a million, what a gem. He's so supportive and loving, and he sure makes it a point to take premium care of us. I love this man to pieces. :)

This is my mom. Isn't she cute with a pirate hat on?
She is a very good sport and sure gets into kid's pirate birthday parties. She is great to drive quite a ways to be here for my kids' birthdays. She's been a wonderful mom
to me, I love her.

This is Ryan, my youngest son. He's a great cub scout. He will teach you to have fun no matter what you are doing.
He is a very good singer and loves tell everyone about God.
There is a heart the size of a grapefruit in this boy, he's sweet.

Here is my oldest son Jeremy. Yeah, he's pretty tough football player so watch out! He's a real sweetie. You should hear him on the piano! And he's also a budding computer whiz too. He's great. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kitty love

Here are our two youngest kitties: Shadow (1) and Slippers (2). They are such best friends even though they did not come from the same family.
Sweet huh!

Life with cats

Man, isn't it a ride living with cats? They just live to be petted don't they. And the strange things they do? The other day one of ours pottied in their water dish. Ewwww! What was THAT all about???? They are so much fun though. I mean, watching their expressions when you do things and wanting to smell everything you are holding. How about the totally wrapped up ways that they sleep! All curled up, makes me want to 1. kiss them 2. take a nap too. be a cat, huh?

Getting started

So, I did it! I have been thinking about doing this for quite some time and getting on the blogging wagon. I am a stay-at-home homeschooling mother in the mid west to 2 young strapping boys. I hope that you check in often to hear what is going on in our family. I am going to love sharing what's going on and what's new.