Here is my family:
Yeah, he's my man. What a guy! He is one in a million, what a gem. He's so supportive and loving, and he sure makes it a point to take premium care of us. I love this man to pieces. :)

She is a very good sport and sure gets into kid's pirate birthday parties. She is great to drive quite a ways to be here for my kids' birthdays. She's been a wonderful mom
to me, I love her.

This is Ryan, my youngest son. He's a great cub scout. He will teach you to have fun no matter what you are doing.
He is a very good singer and loves tell everyone about God.
There is a heart the size of a grapefruit in this boy, he's sweet.

Here is my oldest son Jeremy. Yeah, he's pretty tough football player so watch out! He's a real sweetie. You should hear him on the piano! And he's also a budding computer whiz too. He's great. :)
Love the pirate hat!