Monday, December 27, 2010


Here are just some fun pictures. From playing our new yatzee game every night, to

wearing Angie's french fry ear muffs, it's non-stop fun around here. :)

want some more pictures??

If you said yes you're in luck!


And more pictures...

Blogger will only let me load a few pictures for each posting, so I have to post multiple times

in order to share all the pictures I want to. Here are a few more. :)

Christmas here at home...

And a few pictures from our own celebration on Saturday. Emily's first! It was really fun and yes, she took part in tearing some of the paper off. :)

Merry Christmas!

Here are some more pictures from the Colegrove celebration. :)

Christmas is here!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope yours was a wonderful one spent with loving family. We had the Colegrove clan here last week for a few days, it was so much fun! Celebrated our own this weekend and are heading to Iowa this weekend for my family's celebration and for my Mom's birthday. Here are some photos from ours, enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fresh look!

In preperation for our holiday guests next week, we thought it would be a good time to give a few walls a fresh look. So Jeff's been patching up certain places and I've been painting. It sure is fun to spend a short amount of time but have a very different look and feel to an area!

We decided to steer away from white for a while and try sage green for our kitchen table area.

Here are some before and after pictures, we love it!

I'm sure that we are right in line with most others when I say that we are plugging along
in our attempt to be ready for Christmas day. Thinking of the right presents, hunting them down or making them, it's all a process but one that is very appreciated when Christmas morning comes and there are smiles on the kids faces.

Happy almost Christmas everybody!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost here....

Christmas, that is. We've been scurrying around the house lately mailing packages, making Christmas treats, seeing Santa, some gift buying, and even painting walls in preparation for the family to come for the holidays. It's been a beautifully snowy season so far, we just got 18 inches of snow over the weekend! Too bad the snow blower is in the shop-ouch! Jeff has worked very hard shoveling along with help from the boys and a little from me when Emily is in bed.

We had our first ever movie marathon this weekend and stayed up until the middle of the night
watching movies and sleeping by the Christmas tree as a family (minus Emily of course).
It was fun and we all did well the next day for being tired. I was so proud of the boys!

Emily is doing well and walking with only one hand for help now, it won't be long before she's waking on her own! We are still thinking it's going to happen before Christmas but there isn't much time now. She's doing great and learning the boundaries around the main level.

We had church at home today because of the snow and the bitter cold. It was great! Jeremy led worship and Ryan and Jeff preached a good sermon. We even had offering! :)

We all love church at home and enjoy the opportunity to listen to Jeff preach, he's good!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ho, ho, ho!

Well, Christmas is sure coming close at a fast pace. The buzz around here has been getting packages ready to mail, seeing santa, playing in the snow, building forts, keeping warm and lots of hot chocolate for the kids! It was 9 degrees this morning, a bit chilly considering it's not even winter yet! We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground and the boys have made a huge impressive snow fort enough to fit 5-6 kids. I took Emily in it the other day and she was so freaked out she cried. We took her to see Santa last night, and yes, she cried! It was so cute. :) The boys are doing good, Jeff too. Emily is growing and learning so fast right now, it's such a fun stage. She is very busy crawling around and learning what "no" means.
It's a ton of fun raising kids at all these various stages, I just love it. I hope you have a good time getting ready for the holidays!