Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ho, ho, ho!

Well, Christmas is sure coming close at a fast pace. The buzz around here has been getting packages ready to mail, seeing santa, playing in the snow, building forts, keeping warm and lots of hot chocolate for the kids! It was 9 degrees this morning, a bit chilly considering it's not even winter yet! We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground and the boys have made a huge impressive snow fort enough to fit 5-6 kids. I took Emily in it the other day and she was so freaked out she cried. We took her to see Santa last night, and yes, she cried! It was so cute. :) The boys are doing good, Jeff too. Emily is growing and learning so fast right now, it's such a fun stage. She is very busy crawling around and learning what "no" means.
It's a ton of fun raising kids at all these various stages, I just love it. I hope you have a good time getting ready for the holidays!

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