Oh my, the time is flying! We are coming to the end of week #38, can you believe it!
We are so ready to meet this little lady. :) BUT I have thoroughly enjoyed carrying her and experiencing that once again. It has been quite a gift from God that I will always be thankful for.
We are about as ready as we will ever be, as there is always
a list of projects to work on but she can come any time now.
The boys are excited too, the anticipation is so fun!
We are full into the "after Christmas break" new session of activities. Scouts, co-op,paper routes, floor hockey, roller skating, skiing, ice skating, church activities, home group, class here and there, prayer teams...yeah it keeps us busy. But we treasure, most of all, that time we get to spend as a family just hanging out. Yes, there is still time for that too. We don't want to be so busy that we miss out on that. Family time is most important. Things will slow down a bit after the baby is born, that will be nice.
We'll just enjoy our new little bundle of love for a while. :)
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