Friday, June 4, 2010

The warmth feels great!

Summer weather is definetly here even if summer isn't officially here yet. I love the warmth, the bright green trees, the freshness in the air in the mornings, it is all wonderful. Our school is out although it's only been a week and we are started some summer studies this coming Monday. Trust me, my boys need some studies, it does a mind good. They feel better when they have done something with their minds. We are going to be studying the explorers of the world, doing reading and math. I'm excited for it!

The garden is in, the flowers are planted, we are ready to water and watch them grow! It's work to get the garden in but the boys were great help this year and it was fun to do it together.

We are growing some sunflowers this time in hopes to harvest and roast some sunflower seeds.

It'll be fun to try together at least. We also planted spinach, peas, green beans, lettuce, swiss chard, kohlrabi, tomatoes, carrots, and zucchini. Yum!

Jeff is feeling better although he is still battling sinus problems. Emily is doing great, still growing much too fast and is still as sweet as ever. She rarely cries or even fusses. We can get her to laugh now, it is so fun! We took her on her first trip to the Michigan U.P. last week, it went well depite not having air conditioning (the dealership didn't have the part in before the trip) and not being able to find her thumb the whole way there. We stopped for the night going to MI and she swam for the first time, she loved it! While in MI she waded in Lake Michigan and loved that too-yeah a water baby like her brothers and her mom!

Kayla graduated from high school and we had a blast with family, it was a really fun time. :)

Enjoy some fresh pics right off the camera and have a great week!

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