Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trip to IA!

How's your summer going?? Ours is trucking right along and I'm not ready to embrace the approaching fall months just yet. Although it has been a hot summer, that's for sure- love it!

School curriculum has been purchased and the thought of a fresh new school year is exciting to me. BUT there are so many more projects that I want to get to before school starts! Photo albums, home movie organizing, painting...on and on and on. We'll see, if I get one of these at least started I guess that is good considering we have an almost 6 month old this summer to love and enjoy as well.

We just got back from IA to visit my mom and sister, it was a lot of fun! The boys are starting football next week, pray for no broken bones. :) Emily is rolling over as of this week and eating yummy homemade baby food and crackers and drinking water from a small cup. Jeff is doing great and getting healthier every day!

Lovin' my family! :)

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