Sunday, October 3, 2010

School time!

Wow! It was August when I posted last! Guess that's what happens when school starts and football starts, things get busy around here. The kids go to school at home so that means their teacher (me) has a little less time for things like blogging but I'll try to update more often than once every 6 weeks. Things are going well and I am excited about what my students will be learning this year! We are hitting Spanish hard this year, I am excited to learn and although the kids don't really "get" why they should know it, I know they will be glad in the long run. I think Spanish is a beautiful language, one that I have been wanting to learn for a long time. I learned some French in high school and the kids and I have learned some sign language here at home.
Toss in some middle ages history, spelling, grammer, reading the classics, art, and math and voila! The days become full of learning and it is wonderful! I really love learning some things right alongside my kids, that is the fun part.

Emily is doing well, growing as she should be although she isn't gaining as fast anymore which is good. She's already 20 pounds at almost 8 months so no worries, she's still healthy! She can sit up for a short while w/o falling and looks like she'll be crawling before too long also. She's always on the move and doesn't really ever want to sit down and play, always wants to stand up! I wouldn't be surprised if she were walking by Christmas. I will have my work cut out for me once she starts crawling and walking! Let the "no's" begin! She's still sleeping good too. Been sleeping 12 hours a night since month 3, can't ask for better than that! 2 good naps a day, and all is well. She is very social and loves to be around people whether at church or at co-op. She also loves to be at the football games where her brothers are playing. Although she can't pick them out of the boys on the field, she loves the over all feel of being there.

It's been a busier month than usual but I suppose with the start of school and of football nearly every night that is to be expected. Life is good and well at the Colegrove household! It's sure been a beautiful autumn so far, I just love the sunny days but chilly air! It is about time, though, to think about Christmas shopping and decorating for the holidays. Not to mention starting to think about those Christmas letters/cards too! Did you know I saw Christmas decorations up in Target alongside halloween decorations? Crazy!
Light a scented candle, turn down the lights, and enjoy a toasty cup of tea. It's the perfect time of year for all that and more. TTFN!

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