Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Here's just some random pictures


Cake time!

Here are some more pictures from Emily's birthday. I still can't believe it's been a whole year.

What a wonderful, amazing year it has been! A year that I really didn't know if I would

ever have. She has been such a blessing to our whole family! I just treasure every day with her and am constantly amazed at God's desire to give us what our heart wants. Emily is always

ready for fun, always has a smile on her face, is naturally gentle with the cats, loves her brothers, adores her dad, loves her mom, has a special sweetness about her, is a treasure for her family. Happy birthday precious one!

Emily's 1!!

So far this month I've had a son turn 13 and a daughter turn 1, wow! These in addition to another son turning 10, it's been quite a season of changing ages. We had a nice celebration here at home for Emily and my mom came up from Iowa to see her. Emily was newly walking for grandma and it was really fun for her to see her toddle around.

Emily is getting her other front middle tooth but until that one comes in fully, she looks a little lop-sided on the top because her other front middle tooth is already in almost all the way!
So cute~

We've had a good month and a bit of nice weather to tease us. Two days ago we just got about 15 inches of snow and I do believe MN is now tied for the snowy winter ever on record, wow!

It has been nice not to have to see the brown yucky grass I guess, but I am ready for spring now- bring it on! Emily will have such fun at the park climbing and running, I can't wait to see
her there.

Jeremy and Ryan are doing well and are working hard in school. The science fair is coming so they are going to be busy this week and next getting ready for that.
More to come!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Random pictures

Here are some fun pictures from our week of gathering with friends for swimming and Jeremy tp-ing his brothers head on his bday. Enjoy!

Ahhh, the teens!

Jeremy turned 13 last week! I know have a teenager, a pre-teen and a soon-to-be toddler in the house. Can you say emotions?? I mean theirs, not mine. :) Actually it's really going well

and Jeremy had a nice birthday. We took him out for pizza along with the neighbor boy and later in the week he had a couple friends over for an small gathering including a pillow fight. It was a great week and I can't believe that he's that big already. He's such a blessing to me!

Emily has gotten 2 of the 4 new teeth that are coming in. I guess she didn't want to turn 1 and have only two teeth! She's doing well with it and drooling all over the place. This week has been

an important week for her, she has transitioned from being primarily a crawler to primarily

a walker! It's so fun to see her toddler around, she is doing really well with her balance.

Both Ryan and Jeremy are signed up for baseball season now, I hope they have a good season!

I can't wait to go to their games. Last year Emily and I went to about 50 games between the two boys. Whew! It was really fun to see them play.

Jeff and I are doing well: working, schooling, exercising, even going on dates.

Life is good! Count your many blessings. :)