Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Emily's 1!!

So far this month I've had a son turn 13 and a daughter turn 1, wow! These in addition to another son turning 10, it's been quite a season of changing ages. We had a nice celebration here at home for Emily and my mom came up from Iowa to see her. Emily was newly walking for grandma and it was really fun for her to see her toddle around.

Emily is getting her other front middle tooth but until that one comes in fully, she looks a little lop-sided on the top because her other front middle tooth is already in almost all the way!
So cute~

We've had a good month and a bit of nice weather to tease us. Two days ago we just got about 15 inches of snow and I do believe MN is now tied for the snowy winter ever on record, wow!

It has been nice not to have to see the brown yucky grass I guess, but I am ready for spring now- bring it on! Emily will have such fun at the park climbing and running, I can't wait to see
her there.

Jeremy and Ryan are doing well and are working hard in school. The science fair is coming so they are going to be busy this week and next getting ready for that.
More to come!

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