Monday, March 28, 2011

Pickle's birthday!

Yup, that's right! Pickles turned 7 yesterday. He celebrated with some yummy meaty dog treats, a little extra food and breakfast and at supper, a long walk in the sunshine and some

good 'ol fashioned dog lovin. :) I think he had a great day in the life of a dog.

Jeff started a contract job at a new place and is doing well with that. It's a good company and he's excited to meet some new faces there.

Jeremy and Ryan are doing great and working hard in school, and playing a lot of k'nex right now. They are great building materials that spurs their imagination.

Emily is having fun with a new table that friend gave us. She loves to sit there and play, eat,

doesn't matter. It's all fun to her! She shakes her head "no" occasionally, has fallen in love with ketchup, knows about 6 signs now (we teach our babies sign language-it's awesome and soooo helpful!), and can do a few simple directions now. She's been trying more new foods. She is a very good eater, all three kids have been. I am thankful. This week she's tried tomatoes, broccoli, and lettuce. she really seemed to like the broccoli last night, you can see little bits of it on her nose. :)

I have been having a lot of fun trying out new recipes for snack food. Yesterday I made some whole wheat crackers and were supposed to end up tasting like wheat thins and they did!

I also made some raw, flour-free chocolate chip cookie dough. It was delicious and the kids

loved it too. It's made of ground almonds, and honey. So yummy and good for you!

I have some vanilla extract sitting, it'll be ready in another month but it already smells wonderful! Tomorrow I am making whole wheat cherry mini- muffins. And yes, the cherries are from our very own tree. Love that! I really enjoy trying out new and healthy ways of eating and seeing what the family likes. Toodles!

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