Monday, August 22, 2011

Peaches and paint

So here is a picture of the peaches that I ordered for my friends. I was the hub of blueberries
and peaches this year. For my friends I ordered almost 100# of blueberries and 400# of peaches.
I kept a few but not all of them. lol.

Here is a couple of pictures from this weekend when I worked on Jeremy's room with him. We cleaned out both closets and then started painting. It'll be done in the morning after a final coat on 2 of the walls. Yeah!

Been a while...

Sorry! Just got carried away trying to prepare for school. I hadn't realized how little time
I had to wrap up (and even start!) some projects around the house before homeschooling
takes most of my time, energy, and focus. Plus we just got a shipment of peaches in so I had
to process 28# of peaches. This is on the tail of processing 30# of blueberries just a few weeks ago.
Well, at least there's lots of yummy fruit in the freezer for smoothies and pies! :)

Pickles' owie is all healed up now. The boys are in football now, practicing Monday through
Friday nights so guess what we do in the evening? You guessed it! Shuffle around the boys.
It's good for them and they like it.

All or school books are in so now I just need to sit down and figure out how to use them to their
fullest potential.

The boys and I bought Jeff an early birthday present- a hammock stand! He's been loving having hammock!

Emily went potty in the potty chair again!!! I've been setting her on it before her bath but
today I decided to sit her on it afterwards and boy did she go! She didn't even take long, she knows just what to do! I'm so excited!

My neice Tiana turned 10 last week so we went to Jim's house and we there for her party. We had a nice time hanging out at the park, it was great!

That's about it, just busy living life around here. Life is awesome and I am crazy blessed!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A couple more pictures

Here's a couple pictures then you're all caught up and I can go to bed and get some sleep. :)
There is one of Ryan at the computer. I see this image a lot so I thought I'd capture it on "film".
The other one is of our dog Pickles. He has a hot spot on his thigh that itches. Basically, if he gets wet-which he did when he jumped in our neighbor's pool unexpectantly-he doesn't dry off very well and the skin gets irritated and infected. He has to wear a cone around his head so he doesn't lick the site. He's on meds for that and also has impacted anal glands (aren't you glad I told you that????) and what looks like a hemmroid. Hahaha, you didn't know dogs got those did you! lol!
Jeff and Jeremy are in chicago for a church youth conference. They rode the midnight greyhound bus called the Megabus to Chicago last night and got to their hotel by 9am.
I'm sure they're exhausted by now but hopefully they're having a great time.
We're holding down the fort here. Today was gather the food day. We picked up 4 gallons of farm fresh milk, #50 of blueberries, 5 pounds of raw peanuts and #10 of sucanat (natural sugar).
What's cooking you ask? Well, only #10 of the blueberries are for us. The other pounds are for friends but I am going to make some pie filling to freeze and we'll eat the rest. They're luscious!
With the milk I plan to make yogurt, kefir, and kefir cream cheese.
I roasted the raw peanuts and rubbed the skins off to prepare them to grind up for fresh peanut butter-yum!
It's been a busy day and I'm tuckered out. Nite!

Canning jam!

My friend Sandy came over and we canned jam after jam! We made cherry jam, nectarine jam, strawberry jam, and packed some blueberry pie filling to freeze. Mmmmmm, good! Plus a whole lot of fun too. :)
Here's a couple cute ones of Emily even if she has unbrushed lunch hair, a shirt full of drool and drool hanging off of her chin. It seems as though she's always drooling! She does have a lot of teeth though! :)


Ryan was in a fencing class recently. He had a lot of fun and did really well! On the last day they all fenced each other to see who got first place. He won all three of his matches and made it to the championship match! Well, he didn't win that one but he did a really great job and got a really nice 2nd place certificate to frame. Great job AGAIN Ryan! :)
By the way, he is the one in the long pants.


Yup, these are all pictures of Emily vacuuming. She wanted to do it so badly. She did a great job too! Went back and forth and moved around the room like Mommy does! When I took the vacuum back she put up quite a fuss too, apparently she doesn't like to share the vacuuming with anyone! I wonder how long this phenomenon will last???

The new playset!

More of the Simmons!

Random pictures

Here is a picture of Ryan's friend Alex, showing Emily his trophy. She is sporting a puddle jumping
attire. Totally suitable for a rainy/hot/sunny/muggy baseball day.
A close pastor friend of Jeff's from his childhood and his wife came to visit one night. We had a great visit! Here are some random pictures from our evening with the Simmons'. Oh, and our cat Slippers LOVES to lay on legos. Don't ask me why, I don't understand it either. :)
Here is Ryan's trophy, isn't it great! :)
And Emily loves to stand on Daddy's feet and walk with him. It's a blurry picture but I thought it was cute anyway.


Okay, when you're little this is how you get through hours and hours of your brother's baseball games: cold water, a nice chair, very little clothing, and cheetos. Remember that. You might need that information some day. :)
Ryan's team made it to the championship game, we were so thrilled! Especially so since they were sitting in the last spot during the season. They totally shocked us all! They ended up taking 2nd place and Ryan got a nice trophy for his dresser.
We're so proud of you Ryan!!!