Monday, August 22, 2011

Been a while...

Sorry! Just got carried away trying to prepare for school. I hadn't realized how little time
I had to wrap up (and even start!) some projects around the house before homeschooling
takes most of my time, energy, and focus. Plus we just got a shipment of peaches in so I had
to process 28# of peaches. This is on the tail of processing 30# of blueberries just a few weeks ago.
Well, at least there's lots of yummy fruit in the freezer for smoothies and pies! :)

Pickles' owie is all healed up now. The boys are in football now, practicing Monday through
Friday nights so guess what we do in the evening? You guessed it! Shuffle around the boys.
It's good for them and they like it.

All or school books are in so now I just need to sit down and figure out how to use them to their
fullest potential.

The boys and I bought Jeff an early birthday present- a hammock stand! He's been loving having hammock!

Emily went potty in the potty chair again!!! I've been setting her on it before her bath but
today I decided to sit her on it afterwards and boy did she go! She didn't even take long, she knows just what to do! I'm so excited!

My neice Tiana turned 10 last week so we went to Jim's house and we there for her party. We had a nice time hanging out at the park, it was great!

That's about it, just busy living life around here. Life is awesome and I am crazy blessed!

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