Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A couple more pictures

Here's a couple pictures then you're all caught up and I can go to bed and get some sleep. :)
There is one of Ryan at the computer. I see this image a lot so I thought I'd capture it on "film".
The other one is of our dog Pickles. He has a hot spot on his thigh that itches. Basically, if he gets wet-which he did when he jumped in our neighbor's pool unexpectantly-he doesn't dry off very well and the skin gets irritated and infected. He has to wear a cone around his head so he doesn't lick the site. He's on meds for that and also has impacted anal glands (aren't you glad I told you that????) and what looks like a hemmroid. Hahaha, you didn't know dogs got those did you! lol!
Jeff and Jeremy are in chicago for a church youth conference. They rode the midnight greyhound bus called the Megabus to Chicago last night and got to their hotel by 9am.
I'm sure they're exhausted by now but hopefully they're having a great time.
We're holding down the fort here. Today was gather the food day. We picked up 4 gallons of farm fresh milk, #50 of blueberries, 5 pounds of raw peanuts and #10 of sucanat (natural sugar).
What's cooking you ask? Well, only #10 of the blueberries are for us. The other pounds are for friends but I am going to make some pie filling to freeze and we'll eat the rest. They're luscious!
With the milk I plan to make yogurt, kefir, and kefir cream cheese.
I roasted the raw peanuts and rubbed the skins off to prepare them to grind up for fresh peanut butter-yum!
It's been a busy day and I'm tuckered out. Nite!

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